Oysters with shallot vinegar

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
British Food

By Mark Hix

Published 2005

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Opening or ‘shucking’ oysters can be tricky. If you haven’t tackled it before, I suggest you buy an oyster knife with a guard to protect your hand. The season officially starts in September and lasts through the following months with an ‘r’. However, October is generally held to be the best time to start eating them.


  • 24 oysters
  • seaweed and/or crushed ice, to serve


  1. First make the shallot vinegar. Mix the shallots and red wine vinegar together in a bowl and set aside to infuse for 1 hour.
  2. Now prise open the oysters. Lay an oyster in a folded tea towel on a surface with the flat shell uppermost and the pointed hinge facing towards you. Holding the oyster down with the cloth, force the tip of the oyster knife into the hinge