Fish and Lettuce Soup

Sang Choi Yue Pin Tong

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Eileen Yin-fei Lo's New Cantonese Cooking

By Eileen Yin-Fei Lo

Published 1988

  • About

In Canton we use fresh carp, filleted, in this dish. Carp is widely available in Asian markets in the United States. However, the soup is just as tasty when made with sole, flounder, or sea bass. If you use carp, use the back portion of the fish; for other fishes, use the meaty portions.


  • ½ pound fresh fish, thinly sliced


  1. Marinate the fish slices in a bowl for 10 minutes. Reserve.
  2. Bring the fish broth, diluted with cups water, to a boil, with the ginger and garlic. Add the lettuce, stir, bring back to a boil. Add reserved fish and marinade, stir, and bring to a boil again. Turn off h