Warm Green Banana and Squash Stir-Fry

Preparation info
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Appears in
Caribbean Vegan: Plant-Based, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Authentic Island Cuisine for Every Occasion

By Taymer Mason

Published 2021

  • About

This dish is a mixture of vegetables seasoned and cooked mildly. I chose green banana for this recipe because it holds its shape well after cooking. If you can’t find green bananas, you can substitute white or yellow sweet potatoes.


  • 5 green bananas
  • 1 teaspoon pink or sea salt
  • 1


  1. Peel the bananas, then boil them in salted water for about 25 minutes, until just tender when pricked with a fork. Drain and slice into rounds 2 inches (5 cm) thick.
  2. Meanwhile, sprinkle the salt over the squash and zucchini and let stand for 10 minutes. Lightly rinse the squash and zucchini and pat dry.
  3. Heat the oi