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Red Wine–Poached Pears with Gorgonzola

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Appears in
Cheese Obsession

By Georgeanne Brennan

Published 2013

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Plump nuggets of creamy Gorgonzola and crisp, earthy walnuts strewn over wine-soaked pears make an understated, sophisticated dessert. I like to serve the pears with plain biscotti, both for dipping into the juice and for spreading with the cheese, and glasses of sherry.


  • 4 ripe but firm pears such as Bosc or Anjou, about lb (750 g) total weight


Cut the pears in half lengthwise, leaving the stem intact on one half, then core them, making a small round cavity (a melon baller works well). Cut out the string that runs down the center from the stem to the cavity. Halve or quarter the pear halves lengthwise, or slice thinly.

In a frying pan or saucepan large enough to hold the pears in a single layer, combine the wine and <

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David Tsang
from United Kingdom

The pears need to be sliced thinly to make this recipe work. And the absence of spices means that the flavour is not that great

Matthew Cockerill
from United Kingdom

Pears are notoriously variable when it comes to poaching time. Some hardly soften with endless simmering, others turn to mush quickly. But generally, you can poach pears in wine whole or halved and it works well. Just needs a bit longer if you have less ripe pears.

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