Seared Savoy Cabbage with Spicy Fish Sauce Vinaigrette and Crushed Peanuts

Preparation info
  • Serves

    4 to 6

    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      25 min

Appears in
Colu Cooks

By Colu Henry

Published 2022

  • About

This Thai-influenced dressing tastes good drizzled on top of anything, but I’ve decided to pair it with one of my favorite vegetables—savoy cabbage. With varying shades of green and crinkly leaves, not only is she easy on the eyes, she also tastes equally good cooked or raw. For this recipe, I chose to sear the wedges for deeper flavor. Alternatively, you could do this on the grill and get similar results, but I like the golden color and occasionally crispy leaves it gets from a pan sear in