Seafood Salad with Citrus and Fennel Dressing

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Complete Book of Herbs

By Geraldene Holt

Published 1991

  • About

Vary the seafood in this salad according to season and availability. During the summer months, squid, prawns and clams are probably easier to come by. Autumn and winter bring good supplies of excellent mussels, langoustines and shrimps.


  • 170 g (6 oz) poached baby squid, cut into rings
  • 170 g (6


Once you have prepared the seafood ingredients according to your requirements, place all the seafood together in a large bowl.

Make the dressing by warming the fennel, garlic, orange zest and orange juice in a small pan. Bring almost to the boil, then remove from the heat and allow the flavours to infuse for 15 minutes.

Strain the liquid into a bowl and add the juice of the lime