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Celeriac Terrine with Red Pepper Sauce

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Appears in
Rose Elliot's Complete Vegan

By Rose Elliot

Published 2019

  • About

Over my years as a cookery writer, I’ve found it interesting that readers mention certain recipes over and over again – they just seem to go to their hearts. This is one of them, which I invented for my Vegetarian Four Seasons Cookbook, published in 1993. I’m including a brand new, veganized version here both for old times’ sake and because everyone loves it. I hope you will too! I like it with crunchy, golden roast potatoes that you can cook in the o



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Cookbook Reviewer
from United Kingdom

This dish had some fiddly bits. It made a substantial terrine which portioned into quite a few meals. I added extra spices and herbs. The celeriac taste got lost in the other flavours though.
I found there was not enough sauce for the terrine which tasted dry without it. I made up some more sauce to add.

This recipe might make a nice centre piece for a vegan Christmas dinner.

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