King George I’s Christmas Pudding

Preparation info
  • For


    large and 2 small puddings
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Cookery of England

By Elisabeth Ayrton

Published 1975

  • About


  • ¾ lb. (360 g.) shredded suet
  • 6 eggs
  • ½


Mix the dry ingredients, stir in the eggs, beaten to a froth, and the milk, lemon juice and brandy mixed. Stand for 12 hours in a cool place, then turn into buttered basins. Boil for 6 hours. On Christmas Day, boil for 2 hours or more before serving.

To boil, cover the basins with buttered greaseproof paper or foil and then tie each one with a cloth. Stand in a fish kettle or bath or se