Silver Dollar Hotcakes

Preparation info
  • Makes about


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook

By Nell B. Nichols

Published 1972

  • About

Serve with butter and lots of “lick,” the cowboy’s term for sweet syrup


  • 1 c. Sour Dough Starter
  • 2 c. flour
  • 2 c. milk


  • About 12 hours before mealtime, mix Starter, flour, milk and salt; let stand in a bowl covered with cheesecloth. Set in a warm place.
  • Just before baking cakes, remove 1 c. batter to replenish Starter in crock. To the remaining batter in the bowl, add baking soda, eggs, shortening and sugar. Mix well.
  • Bake cakes the size of silver dollars on a lightly gr