Bulgur Simmered with Lentils

Kujari ‘l-Burghul/Mujaddara

Preparation info
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Appears in
Delights from the Garden of Eden

By Nawal Nasrallah

Published 2019

  • About

A dish of brown lentils simmered with bulgur or rice is well known throughout the Arab world, although it comes in different guises, and passes under different names. The Egyptians cook it with rice, lentils, and macaroni, and call it kushari. In the Levant, it is cooked with lentils and rice or bulgur, and called mujaddara (literally, ‘having smallpox’). The Iraqis call it kujari/kichri. In Hindi it is kedgeree. The earliest recipe for this dish can be traced ba