Cocoa nib tuiles

Preparation info
  • Yield: 11 ounces batter, enough for


    tuiles slightly less than ½ ounce each
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Dessert Architect

By Robert Wemischner

Published 2009

  • About


Oz Grams Name of ingredient Baker’s percentages Sugar and glucose (or corn syrup) total 100%


  • In a medium-sized heavy saucepan, bring the sugar, syrup, and butter to a boil.
  • Remove from the heat, and then using a whisk, emulsify the mixture.
  • Stir in the nibs and mix until well distributed throughout the batter.
  • Allow the batter to cool until it thickens, about 15 minutes.
  • Since these must be shaped while warm, it is best to b