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Encyclopedia of Chocolate: Essential Recipes and Techniques

By Frédéric Bau and École du Grand Chocolat Valrhona

Published 2017

  • About

A ganache is made of chocolate and a liquid. It is an emulsion, which is a blend of fatty matter and water. The chocolate provides the fatty matter, and the cream, milk, or even fruit pulp provides the water. A ganache must be stable, elastic, and shiny.


  • Chocolate in quantities that depend on the cocoa percentage
  • Full-fat whipping cream or milk or fruit juice
  • Butter, diced (optional)


Chop the chocolate and melt it in a heatproof bowl over a bain-marie or in the microwave oven (on “defrost” or at 500 W, stirring from time to time).

In a saucepan, bring the full-fat whipping cream, milk, or fruit juice to the boil.

Gradually pour one-third of the boiling liquid over the melted chocolate (1). Using a flexible spatula, mix it in energetically, drawing sma