Baked Blackberry Roll

Preparation info
  • Serves

    4 to 6

    • Difficulty


Appears in
English Provincial Cooking

By Elisabeth Ayrton

Published 1980

  • About

This is a very old recipe. The hedgerows of Warwickshire are full of blackberries and the farmers’ wives have always been quick to send the children out to pick them. Warwickshire was Shakespeare’s county. A poor boy from a large family, he would certainly have been sent blackberry picking.


  • ½ lb (240 g) self-raising flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt<


Sift the flour and salt together and rub in the half stick (60 g) of butter. Stir in enough milk to make a soft dough, but be careful not to make it sticky. Knead the dough just enough to make a round sm