Baby Bok Choy with Ginger and Garlic

Preparation info
  • Serves


    as part of a multi-course meal
    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      15 min

Appears in
Katie Chin's Everyday Chinese Cookbook: 101 Delicious Recipes from My Mother's Kitchen

By Katie Chin

Published 2016

  • About

This dish is so fast, my stepdaughter Kyla wanted to call it Quick-Time Baby Bok Choy with Ginger and Garlic (this was during her “Quick-Time” phase: Quick-Time Pancakes, Quick-Time Pizza, Quick-Time Nap—you get the picture). It’s a great recipe for a busy weeknight because it’s super duper fast and easy, but it’s also very flavorful and nutrient-rich, thanks to the baby bok choy. Why not make this in the same time it takes to steam the same old baby carrots or green beans? It’s sure to gar

