By Tessa Kiros
Published 2004
This is an elegant yet simple way to serve smoked salmon (or gravadlax). You can add anything else you like — some cucumbers, sour cream or crème fraiche — depending on the ingredients you have at hand. Serve this with melba toast, potato pancakes or hapankorpuja, or other rye bread. Hard-boil the eggs for 7–8 minutes.
Put the onion in a small bowl, cover with water, sprinkle with the salt and leave to soak for 20 minutes or so. Rinse well, drain and pat dry with kitchen paper before putting back in the bowl.
To make lemon fillets, slice the tops and bottoms off the lemons. Sit the lemons on a board and, with a small sharp knife, cut downwards to remove the skin and pith. Holding the lemon over a bowl