Baked Ficelles with Gruyere

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Fine Family Cooking

By Tony Bilson

Published 1994

  • About

Gruyère is a cheese made from unpasteurised cow milk with ‘eyes’ or holes scattered throughout and a recognisably sweet taste. It cooks beautifully. Ficelles are the string-like miniature loaves of French bread.


  • 6 ficelles
  • 100 g ( oz) butter
  • 200


Slit the ficelles lengthwise along the top without separating the two sides. Butter them and lay the prosciutto (Parma ham) along the centre of the slit. Place some of the onion on top of the ham and add the Gruyère. Season with black pepper and cayenne pepper and bake in a hot oven (200°C/390°F) for