Rose Risotto with Crab and Snap Peas

Preparation info
  • Serves

    4 or 6

    as a Starter
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Flavors of the Sun: The Sahadi’s Guide to Understanding, Buying, and Using Middle Eastern Ingredients

By Christine Sahadi Whelan

Published 2021

  • About

This delicate dish is rosy not by virtue of its color but from the hint of rose water that brings all the ingredients together into a luxurious celebration of springtime. It’s important to use a subtle hand when deploying rose water, as its perfumy presence can be surprisingly assertive, overpowering other mild-tasting foods rather than quietly enhancing their sweetness. If you grow your own unsprayed roses, a few petals strewn on top would be a pretty garnish for a romantic evening.

