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Conger eel soup

Caldillo de congrio

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Food and Cooking of Chile

By Boris Basso Benelli

Published 2014

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This classic fish soup from the Chilean coast became known to the wider world thanks to the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, who wrote an ode to the dish, Oda al Caldillo de Congrio. Conger eel can be difficult to find, but you can substitute monkfish tail for similarly delectable results.


  • 600 g/1 lb 6 oz conger eel
  • 1


  1. First, prepare the conger eel. Using a sharp knife, remove and reserve the head. Slice off the flesh from either side of the backbone, to form long fillets. Reserve the backbone. Dip your fingers in salt, for better grip, then pull off the skin from the fillets. Discard. Cut each fillet into two pieces and remove any bones.
  2. Place the eel’s head and the backbone

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