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Beetroot & orange salad with walnuts

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    as a side dish
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Appears in
The Food & Cooking of Greece

By Rena Salaman

Published 2023

  • About

The classic Greek salad pantzaria salata me portokalia kai karydia was always evolving with the seasons in our house. In late February, when the almond trees were covered in blossom, our beetroot salad would metamorphose into something beautiful: it would appear on a pretty china platter that was kept for grand occasions, with slices of the sweetest of oranges and toasted walnuts on top. This signalled festivities for us children and we couldn’t wait to see what would follow it. Rece

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Olga Petrik
from Canada

It was so easy to make (I used a mandoline cutter to get the slices really thin). Was tasty and unique. I like the earthy taste of beets, but I know some people don’t and here I felt the oranges and the dressing neutralized that well.

I didn’t have the leaves of the beets so I had it without that, though it did feel like it needed some kind of herb or something green with that component missing, but even without all that it was still lovely
from United Kingdom

Dear Olya
I am glad you enjoyed the beetroot and orange salad. It was a picture of sunshine even in Greece in the middle of the winter - full of colour, hope and sweetness! And it still is whenever I make it.

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