Harbour Prawn & Sorrel Omelette

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By Damien Pignolet

Published 2005

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The Sydney season for harbour prawns runs from November to March in a good year. I love the sweetness of these small shellfish, which are as close as we get to European shrimp, with their softer texture and sweeter flavour. Cooked and diced rock lobster flesh is another excellent option.


  • 1 tiny piece garlic
  • 10 g unsalted butter
  • 20-30 g</


  1. Rub the inside of a frying pan with the garlic and then discard. Melt the butter in the pan, add the sorrel with some salt and pepper and allow the sorrel to melt over a low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. Add the prawns and warm through. While it is still warm, add this filling to a Basic Omelette just before flipping it over and serving.