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Pickled Baby Watermelons

Imkhalal Ajir

Preparation info
  • Makes

    2 pounds

    of pickles
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Journey

By Laila El-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt

Published 2021

  • About

Small, unripe green watermelons are a surprising favorite, especially in the southern part of the Strip. If you can’t get your hands on unripe baby melons, you can use the palest side of a mature watermelon, rind and all, cut into small pieces.


  • 2 pounds (just under 1 kilogram) baby watermelons roughly the size of a golf ball, quartered or 2 pounds


Sterilize your canning jars, then place inside each jar as many watermelons or pieces as will fit comfortably.

Mix the water and salt, then bring them to a boil in a large saucepan. Set aside to cool to room temperature. Mix the vinegar and sugar into the salted water.

Pour this pickling solution into each jar, making sure that the surface of the watermelons is completely covere

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