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Untraditional Raclette

Raclette Improvisée

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Preparation info
  • Makes

    6 to 8

    Main-Course Servings
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Glorious French Food

By James Peterson

Published 2002

  • About

While the results of this raclette are almost identical to the traditional version made in front of a roaring fire, the appearance is more reminiscent of a gratin. The advantage to this version is that you need neither a fire nor a raclette maker—only a hot oven.


  • 1 wedge (½ to 2 pounds [675 to 900 g]) raclette or other firm cheese such as Swiss Gruyère, Fribourg


Cut the rind off the raclette and cut it into ¼-inch-thick [.5 cm] slices.

Put the potatoes in a pot with enough cold water to cover by a couple of inches, bring to a boil over high heat, and immediately turn down the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. When the potatoes can be penetrated with a knife but still offer a slight résistance—anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how big

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