Braised Fried Tofu with Pork

Preparation info
  • Makes

    3 to 4

    servings as a main dish
    • Difficulty


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By Linda Anusasananan

Published 2012

  • About

At Hong Kong’s Hakka 3 Generations restaurant, we ate braised deep-fried tofu topped with pork. Restaurants often fry tofu to deepen the flavor and enrich the color. When braised, the fried tofu soaks up the juices like a sponge and swells with flavorful succulence. The braising liquid turns into a warm brown sauce.


Fried Tofu

  • 8 ounces ground pork
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1


For the Fried Tofu

  1. In a medium bowl, combine the pork, soy sauce, ginger, wine, cornstarch, and salt. Mix pork well.
  2. Rinse the tofu, and then drain for about 5 minutes. Cut the tofu into 12 pieces, each about