A Winter “Salade de Chèvre Chaud” with Boudin Noir

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Appears in
Home Made Winter

By Yvette van Boven

Published 2012

  • About

“How can I combine everything I love into one salad?” I thought. Well, as it turns out, that’s easy.


For the Salad

  • 10½ oz (300 g) blood sausage, such as the famous Irish Clonakilty black pudding
  • butter, for the pan


Cut the sausage into slices. In a nonstick skillet, melt a small amount of butter over medium heat and briefly fry the slices on both sides until crisp and browned. Let them drain on a paper towel.

Preheat the broiler.

Add some butter to the skillet if necessary, and sauté the mushrooms over medium heat just to al dente, before they turn soft.

Wash the lettuce, dry it, a