Broiled Chicken Breast with Cloves

Preparation info
  • Makes


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Jean-Georges: Cooking at Home with a Four-Star Chef

By Jean-Georges Vongerichten and Mark Bittman

Published 1998

  • About

That’s right, just cloves. Although the chicken is broiled, it simultaneously poaches in the cream, becoming moist and rich.

Serve it with Glazed Fall Vegetables and Fruits or any salad. Note that this dish must “marinate” overnight.


  • 16 cloves
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (or guinea hen or pheasant), about 1 to


  1. Place the cloves in the smallest saucepan you have and cover with water. Bring to a boil, drain, and rinse. Repeat 4 more times.
  2. Pierce each of the breast pieces with 4 cloves. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  3. Preheat the broiler and adjust the rack so that it is about 3 inches from the heat source. Place the breasts in a roasting dish