Chopped Egg and Onions

Preparation info
  • Serves

    Four to Six

    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Complete Guide to Traditional Jewish Cooking

By Marlena Spieler

Published 2016

  • About

This Ashkenazic dish, although the essence of modern western deli food, is in fact one of the oldest dishes in Jewish history. Some say that it goes back to ancient Egyptian times. It is delicious piled on to rye bread or on top of a toasted bagel.


  • 8–10 eggs
  • 6–8 spring onions (scallions) and/or 1 yellow</


  1. Put the eggs in a large pan and cover with cold water. Bring the water to the boil and when it boils, reduce the heat and simmer over a low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Hold the eggs under cold running water, then remove the shells, dry the eggs and chop roughly.