Marinated Herrings

Preparation info
  • Serves

    Four to Six

    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Complete Guide to Traditional Jewish Cooking

By Marlena Spieler

Published 2016

  • About

This is a classic a Shkenazic dish, sweet-and-sour and lightly spiced. It is delicious for Sunday brunch and is always welcome at a Shabbat midday Kiddush reception. If there is anything you can be sure of at an Ashkenazic gathering, it’s herring.


  • 2–3 herrings, filleted
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • juice of lemons


  1. Soak the herrings in cold water for 5 minutes, then drain. Pour over water to cover and soak for 2–3 hours, then drain. Pour over water to cover and leave to soak overnight.
  2. Hold the soaked herrings under cold running water and rinse very well, both inside and out.
  3. Cut each fish into bitesize pieces, then place the pieces in a glass bowl or shallow di