Gnocchi with Mountain Herbs

Macarons cu’i Savors di Mont

Preparation info
  • Serves

    4 to 6

    • Difficulty


Appears in
La Terra Fortunata

By Fred Plotkin

Published 2001

  • About

This is a specialty of Carnia, and the sauce is made only with newly gathered fresh herbs. Use the most fragrant and flavorful herbs you can find.


  • 1 pound/450 g Gnocchi (half the recipe)
  • 2 cups/


Make the gnocchi and set aside. Set a large pot of cold water to boil.

Tear the herbs into pieces, discarding the stems. Place them in a large colander and set the colander atop the boiling water so the herbs steam (but are not boiled) for about 5 minutes. Remove from the colander and place in a blender or food processor and pulse quickly, only until the leaves are broken into small bit