Salt & Balsamic Vinegar Sauteed Potatoes

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Appears in
Limoncello and Linen Water

By Tessa Kiros

Published 2012

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These are easy to make and go well with a plain roasted meat. It’s good to make a stovetop potato dish when your oven is full of roasting meat.


  • some coarse salt
  • 1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) potatoes</


In a mortar, crush some coarse salt with a pestle to break it down a bit, but still leave some texture. Peel the potatoes, rinse them, halve lengthways and cut into gondolas. Heat the olive oil in a large non-stick frying pan that has a lid. Add the potatoes and garlic cloves and sauté on a fairly high heat, turning through and tossing until they have a bit of colour and are starting to stick.