Anguilla alla Gardesana

Fried Eel with Tomato

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Lombardian Cookbook

By Alessandro Pavoni and Roberta Muir

Published 2015

  • About

Skinning the eel is the hardest part of this recipe – you may need to pre-order them, and a good fishmonger will kill and clean them for you. Traditionally this dish is stored in a terracotta container. It’s never eaten on the day it’s made as it gets better when it’s stored, and can be refrigerated for up to four days.


  • 2 x 600 g eels
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) extra virgin olive oil<


Place the eels in the freezer for 24 hours, then take them out and leave at room temperature for 30–60 minutes to start to thaw. Pin the eels to a chopping board or clean piece of wood by driving a sharp clean nail, or the tip of a small sharp knife, through their heads. Cut around the necks with a sharp knife and, using a pair of clean pliers, peel the skin back from the necks to the tails. Cu