Normandy cider syllabub with roast apples

Preparation info
  • Serves:


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      35 min

Appears in
Lucy's Food: Minimum Effort, Maximum Impact!

By Lucy Cufflin

Published 2013

  • About

Autumn and winter give us little fresh fruit for cold puddings, but here is one that uses apples. If you are looking for a make-ahead, ready-in-the-fridge, fruit pud in the winter months, this is the one!


  • 500 ml medium-sweet Normandy cider
  • 150 g caster sugar
  • ½


  1. In a large bowl, mix together 150ml of the cider, 50 g of the sugar, 2 large pinches of ground cinnamon and the lemon juice. Store in the fridge until needed.
  2. Melt the butter in a large frying pan and add the sliced apple. Scatter with the remaining cinnamon and fr