Spicy Mustard Sausage Rolls

Preparation info
  • Yield:


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      1 hr

Appears in
Making Dough

By Russell van Kraayenburg

Published 2015

  • About

THE RECIPE One of my biggest guilty pleasures is hot dogs—I did write a cookbook all about them, after all— so it should be no surprise that I love this pastry variation. Take a big, plump, all-beef sausage, add some spicy mustard, and wrap it in flaky pastry, and you’ve got yourself the fanciest pig in a blanket around.



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Roll prepared rough puff pastry dough into a 12-by-8-inch rectangle. Cut dough into quarters, creating 4 (4-by-6-inch) rectangles. Cut each quarter in half diagonally to create 8 triangles.
  2. Place one sausage link on the wide, sho