Matt’s Kid-Friendly Everyday Double Berry Banana Smoothie

Preparation info
  • Makes:


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      5 min

Appears in
The No Meat Athlete Cookbook: Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes to Fuel Your Workouts... And the Rest of your Life

By Matt Frazier and Stepfanie Romine

Published 2021

  • About

As athletic goals have gradually given way to the priorities and time constraints that come along with having children, Matt’s go-to smoothie has transformed into one that can be made quickly. And, it’s a smoothie that the kids enjoy day in and day out, despite taste buds that seem to change with the day of the week. Make it more superfood-y as desired; we often include a tablespoon or so of wheatgrass powder and goji berries to get more nutrition in the glass without sacrificing taste.

