Steamed Apricot Pudding

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


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By Joyce Goldstein

Published 1998

  • About

Apricots originated in Persia. When dried, their sweet/tart flavor and intense perfume make them the ideal dessert finale of a Middle Eastern dinner.


  • ½ pound dried apricots
  • 1 cup water or sweet white wine, such as moscato
  • ½


Soak the apricots in the water or wine in a medium saucepan at least 2 hours. Simmer over low heat until the apricots are very soft, about 20 minutes, then puree the apricots with the liquid in a blender or food processor. Return the puree to the saucepan and stir in the butter, sugar (use ¾ cup if usi