Tian of Eggplant, Tomato, and Fresh Cheese

Preparation info
  • Serves

    4 to 5

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking: Traditional and Modern Recipes to Savor and Share

By Paula Wolfert

Published 2009

  • About

Here is a personal favorite, a tian of ripe summer vegetables at their peak—layers of small heirloom tomatoes, sweet bulb onions, thin-skinned eggplant, and fresh salty cheese such as ricotta or chèvre. I like to prepare this tian in the morning and serve it no sooner than 6 hours after it has emerged from the oven, allowing time for the flavors to meld. It should be left at room temperature; refrigeration diminishes the taste.

My method of setting the tian in a preheated clay-lined

