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By Dan Hong

Published 2014

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It’s your steamboat and you’ll steam if you want to. This list of ingredients is a guide. It’s the stuff my family like to have when we eat steamboat and there are usually a lot of us. Scale up or down the amount of options according to your taste or budget. The main thing is to make sure your stock is perfect; the rest is up to you.



  • 15 raw king prawns (shrimp), peeled, with heads and tails left on
  • 1 kg (2 lb


Arrange the seafood, meats and vegetables on their own separate platters. Have another platter for the konnyaku, egg noodles and tofu puffs. Steamboat is all about presentation, so be sure to fan everything out neatly, and on large platters so it presents like an abundant feast.

Put the supreme stock in a large pot that is wide and shallow so that everyone can keep an eye on what they’r