Stuffed Mussels

Midye Dolmasi

Preparation info
  • To Serve


    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Nevin Halici

Published 1989

  • About

Stuffed mussels are very popular indeed, particularly in Istanbul and Izmir, and in the latter region it is a favourite homemade dish. By April people start asking each other whether they have had stuffed mussels yet, and shortly after that you find street vendors with baskets full of them at practically every corner.


  • 30 large mussels
  • 1 quantity stuffing made with olive oil (p.103)
  • 500 ml/


Prepare the stuffing. Soak the mussels in a bucket of water for 30 minutes. Scrape the shells thoroughly with a knife and wash clean under plenty of running water. Prise the shells open with a knife from the straight side to make butterflies. Cut off the beards and clean.

Put the water and salt in a pan. Rest a colander or steamer above the water.

Stuff the uncooked mussels with