Bulgur Salad


Preparation info
  • To Serve


    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Nevin Halici

Published 1989

  • About

In Turkey ladies have one day a month set aside to receive guests. On those days or on special occasions when a guest arrives, kısır is offered before tea is served.


  • 150 g/5 oz finely ground bulgur
  • 150 ml/


Put the bulgur in a bowl and stir in the water a few spoonfuls at a time. Cover with a lid, and let it rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.

Add the onion to the bulgur, and combine thoroughly. Then stir in the other ingredients, seasoning to taste.

Line a serving dish with vine leaves and serve the kısır on them or serve it spooned into red cabbage leaves, making one helping