Sole Normande

Sole with shellfish sauce

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      45 min

Appears in
The Cooking of Normandy

By Jane Grigson

Published 1987

  • About

This dish became so grand in the early nineteenth century that people have wondered if it ever came from Normandy in the first place. Perhaps it got its name because the sole was landed there, just as at Dover.


  • fillets of 3 large sole or 1.25 kg (3 lb) brill or turbot fillets


Grease a heatproof dish with butter paper, put in the fish fillets in a single layer and season them. Dot them with 15 g (½ oz) butter and pour on the wine or cider. Open the mussels, if used, over a