Moist Toffee Apple Cake

Preparation info
  • Makes


    20 cm cake
    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      1 hr 40

Appears in
The Pink Whisk Guide to Cake Making

By Ruth Clemens

Published 2013

  • About

Come Autumn time and cooking apples are in abundance why not whip up this delicious Moist Toffee Apple cake?



  • 200 ml (7 fl oz) sunflower oil
  • 65 g (


  1. Follow the steps for the Carrot Cake replacing the carrot with grated apple and using a combination of wholemeal flour, self-raising flour, baking powder and ground almonds. Apples contain much more water than carrot so the ground almonds are needed to hold the structure.
  2. When making the cream cheese frosting use a golden icing sugar if possible for a subtle to