Spicy Lentils and Beetroot/Beets Salad

Preparation info
  • Serves:


    as a side
    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      55 min

Appears in
Plant Feasts: Recipes for slow living in a fast-paced world

By Frankie Paz

Published 2024

  • About

“Beetroot is the colour of your blood; blood will always connect you to your ancestors; when you connect with your blood, you will remember all who walked before you and all that they fought for, for the life you live now. This is how you remember the power that exists within you.”

After years in the jungle, it took some time to settle back in London. For a while, I felt like I didn’t fit here or there. Lost between worlds. Yet I would remember my then mother-in-law Elba’s wise word