Stuffed artichokes, Sicilian style

Carciofi ripieni alla siciliana

Preparation info
  • Serves


    as main
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Pomegranates & Artichokes: Recipes and memories of a journey from Iran to Italy

By Saghar Setareh

Published 2023

  • About

Stuffed vegetables — dolmeh, dolma, mehshi, gemista, ripieni and so on — are testimony to the undeniable culinary connection that pervades the vast region spanning Central Asia, the Middle East and the Levant, through to the Mediterranean and the gates of Europe. Claudia Roden, in her New Book of Middle Eastern Food, calls stuffed artichokes ‘an old Arab dish’. Like most of the stuffed vegetables of the Middle East, Roden’s stuffed artichokes speak