The beloved aubergine bake

Parmigiana di melanzane

Preparation info
  • Makes a 23 x 33 cm baking dish; serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Pomegranates & Artichokes: Recipes and memories of a journey from Iran to Italy

By Saghar Setareh

Published 2023

  • About

Melanzana, the Italian word for aubergine, was once mela insana, meaning ‘insane’ or ‘unhealthy apple’. In the past it was also known as pomo sdegnoso, ‘disdained apple’. Many Italian words for fruit and vegetables have the word mela (apple) or pomo (pome) in them. Indeed, melagrana (pomegranate) is made of mela and grana (apple and grains), just as the English version combines pome (apple/pome) and granate, meaning an ap