Dolce di Panee Mele

Bread and Apple Pudding

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Recipes from an Italian Farmhouse

By Valentina Harris

Published 1995

  • About

From the far northern region of Alto Adige comes this delicious layered pudding of apples and bread, guaranteed to warm you on a cold day. In the summertime, use peaches or apricots instead.


  • 10 small, stale and slightly hard white breadrolls, sliced into thin rounds
  • 100 ( oz) blanched almonds


Prepare the bread and put it all into a bowl. Slice the almonds in half. Mix the sugar and the smaller quantity of wine and pour over the bread. Butter an ovenproof dish large enough to take all the bread and the apples.

Put a layer of wine-soaked bread on the bottom of the dish, then cover it with a layer of apple slices and a few sultanas or currants and almonds. Dot with butter, then