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Soused herring with dill bread

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Appears in
The Richard Corrigan Cookbook

By Richard Corrigan

Published 1999

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Soused fish is a humble dish, but it seems to me more honest than grilled fish with a trendy garnish. It sustained many a fishing family in the coastal towns of Ireland in the last century. Herrings are soft and succulent prepared this way. If you like you can add a garnish of cucumber and plain yogurt or soured cream.


  • 4 plump, spanking fresh herrings, scaled, gutted, heads removed and filleted
  • white wine vinegar
  • Dill Bread for serving


Immerse the herring fillets in white wine vinegar to cover and leave in a cool place for 4-5 hours. The vinegar will dissolve the majority of the remaining small bones in the fillets. Drain, reserving the vinegar, and pat the fillets dry with kitchen paper. Remove any bones that haven’t dissolved.

Combine all the ingredients for the souse, except the sugar, in a large pan and add

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