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Dover sole roasted on the bone with brown shrimps and cucumber

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Appears in
The Richard Corrigan Cookbook

By Richard Corrigan

Published 1999

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Cooking fish like Dover sole and plaice on the bone gives a really good flavour and retains the succulence — it seems very natural just to put it on a dish and bake it. The cucumber and brown shrimps with the fish are a perfect marriage. If we have any girolles, we toss them in a bit of butter until they exude juice, then add them too.


  • 1 cucumber
  • pinch of sugar
  • unsalted butter
  • 4 Dover soles


Peel the cucumber, then cut it in half lengthways and scoop out the seeds with the tip of a teaspoon. Cut into tiny balls and blanch briefly in boiling water. Alternatively, shred into ‘spaghetti’ using a mandoline. Put in a colander, sprinkle with the sugar and a little salt, and toss with your fingers. Leave to drain for 10-15 minutes. The cucumber will go limp.

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