Veal-stuffed Eggplant

Melanzane Ripiene

Preparation info
  • Serves


    as a first course
    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Sardinian Cookbook

By Giovanni Pilu and Roberta Muir

Published 2012

  • About

This recipe is based on one my mother-in-law, Rosalia, cooks; she’s from Abruzzo, but it’s very similar to the way my mother would prepare eggplants in Sardinia. They are delicious as a first course or side dish. I also love them cold the next day, either as they are or on a panino.


  • 4 eggplants (aubergines), halved lengthways
  • salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • ½ cup (


Scoop eggplant flesh out of the skin, leaving a 1 cm thick shell. Sprinkle shell with salt and set aside, upside down, to drain a little. Meanwhile, chop eggplant flesh. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add oil and, when hot, add eggplant flesh and 1 garlic clove and cook for about 10 minutes, until eggplant is soft and lightly coloured. Remove garlic clove.

Place ciabatta, parsley a