502. Pasticcio di Magro

Seafood Pie

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

  • About

I would be failing to give credit where it is due if I didn’t tell you that I owe quite a few recipes in this book to the kindness of several ladies, who also favored me with this one. Although it looks like a true pasticcio, when I tried it, it came out worthy to be served at a dinner party, if prepared properly.


  • a fish weighing between 300 and 350 grams (between about 10½ and 12-¼ ounces)
  • 20


Cook the rice in 40 grams (about 1-⅓ ounces) of butter with a quarter of a chopped onion and salt it. When it has cooked in the necessary amount of water, bind it with the two eggs and