750. Nocino

Walnut Liqueur

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

  • About

Nocino is a liqueur that should be made toward the middle of June, when the walnuts have not yet fully ripened. It has a pleasant taste, aids digestion, and has a tonic effect.


  • 30 walnuts (with the husk)
  • 1-½ liters (about 1-½ quarts) of spirits


Cut the walnuts into four sections and infuse them with the other ingredients in a demijohn or a 4- to 5-liter (4 to 5 quarts) flask. Seal it tightly and keep in a warm place for forty days, shaking it every now and then.

After the forty days have gone by, strain the liquid through a cloth and then, to clarify it completely, filter it through cotton or paper. Make sure to taste it a day