Silverweed Bannock


Preparation info
    • Difficulty


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By F. Marian McNeill

Published 2015

  • About

The silverweed bannock (bonnach bhrisgein) is essentially a spring cake for the months of March and April, when the roots can be obtained.


  • silverweed roots
  • oatmeal or barley-meal
  • salt
  • butter
  • milk or water


Go over a newly ploughed field and collect as many silverweed roots as you require. They are easily recognized, being long, thin, and white or cream-coloured. Wash and rinse the roots thoroughly in cold water. Scrape gently with a blunt knife when required. Spread out on a clean cloth and dry in the sun, turning over and over again. When quite dry and brittle, break into very small bits. Put th